make social media do business for you
creative social media management
We don’t believe there’s a right way to use social media for business. Together, we define what success looks like for you, we set the parameters and goals you want, then we design a marketing strategy to achieve what you want. Within this space, we can help your business with:
Full social media management
Content creation and publication
Social media strategy development
Paid social media campaign ad management
Community moderation
Ethically build your target audience segments
Lead generation
Drive visitors to your website
Become an education resource
Stir the pot
Data is a lot of things, but it’s not everything. The phrase dark social refers to the nebulous wrinkles that slip through the algorithms. It’s the stuff you can’t exactly quantify, like when:
Someone sees your post, and instead of sharing it on their feed, they text their friend.
Sponsored content pops up in someone’s feed, and instead of clicking the link, they type the website into their browser.
These things happen every day. They’re happening right now. We care about the things you can’t quantify as much as anything else in the social media sphere. All of which is to say: if getting noticed is more important to you than anything else, that’s where we put our focus.