These Social Media Truths
July, 2020
Yancey Red was a marketing head in the 1950s and ‘60s, before it was really a thing.
Yancey was the matriarch of a family business that specialized in all things canine. Dog kennels were the main bread and butter, supplemented by professional handing at Westminster, grooming, breeding, and training.
Yancey ran the marketing, from her heart. Innovative and cutting edge for her time, she was an influencer that brought together dog lovers from all over the country. She was doing things that businesses didn’t usually do at that time; swag zippo lighters, open house galas, creative signage, and flyers. She was an elite marketing house with an untouchable style.
We’re the granddaughters of Yancey, and we’ve taken her spirit and turned it into a social media marketing agency that enhances those pioneering efforts.
We cultivate three main truths in social media marketing.
1. Expect change
The first eight features of Facebook have evolved into an ever-changing maze of social connection. With this month’s UI slow-release, we are always hating on and then most of the time liking on, these changes. But that’s the long-game. We all know social media changes on a near-daily basis with algorithms, news cycles, and trending influences.
2. Thinking and doing
We believe in strategy before content. Captivating social media campaigns don’t just happen, they are born of research and data. Deep diving into the industry, learning the culture and speaking the language is the very first step before any post leaves our money-making fingers.
3. Keep it interesting
We say it in almost every blog post: You’ve got to keep it interesting. People want information and they want to be entertained. What’s entertaining is different for every audience and that’s where truth #2 comes into play. It all matters for every post.